We are grateful for the presence of children in worship!

Whether it's an early experiment at language in an otherwise silent prayer, active participation in the offering, dancing in the aisles, or wide-eyed listening, children are welcome to join the rest of us in our conversation with God, in whatever way they're learning how to do that. Once a year the Sunday school children lead the whole service, and as they grow and discover their gifts, they participate in various ways throughout the year as well.

In every Sunday morning worship service we have a children's time, when kids are invited to the front (with a caregiver if they want) to hear a story and to wonder about what the day's Scripture might mean to them. We have tables set up on the side of the sanctuary where children and their caregivers can sit and enjoy quiet activities like colouring, while still being able to see what's happening at the front.

Caregivers may also choose to spend part of worship in our nursery, where the service can still be heard if desired.