Mennonite Church Canada Vision Statement

God calls us to be followers of Jesus Christ and, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to grow as communities of grace, joy and peace so that God’s healing and hope flow through us to the world.

Mennonite Church Canada Statement of Identity and Purpose

God calls, equips, and sends the church to engage the world with the reconciling Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are a community of disciples of Jesus, a part of the Body of Christ, covenanted together as congregations, area churches, and a national church body. Gratefully responding to God’s initiatives and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves and our resources to calling, equipping, and sending the church to engage the world with the reconciling Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Click here to hear these statements read in English (other languages available here).

Mennonite World Conference

As part of Mennonite World Conference, we hold these Shared Convictions of Global Anabaptists as central to our belief and practice. We seek to live out these shared convictions in our unique context, alongside a wide diversity of global siblings in Christ.