Want to share your gifts in worship? Everyone has something offer! Here are some ideas to get you thinking about where you might fit. The Worship Committee would be glad to hear from you about these or other ideas.

Like Words?
Worship Leading (one of our gifted leaders would be happy to mentor you)
Scripture reading/memorizing/telling
Drama (writing or performing)
Preaching (first timers welcome)
Children’s time leaders (our kids are happy to mentor you)

Like Music?
Song leading (and teaching)
Singing a solo
Singing in a choir or small group
Leading an occasional choir
Playing an instrument

Like Visuals?
Visual focus on a theme or season (table displays etc)
Other Visual Arts in worship (banners/projection/print/more)
Seasonal flowers

Like Hospitality & Accessibility?
Welcome Team (bulletins, offerings, and friendly smiles)
Audio-visual Team (Sound & Projection/Streaming)

Like Planning?
Special services like Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Good Friday
Join Worship Committee!