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On September 29th, Hamilton Mennonite Church will be packing 200 school kits to help children across the world go to school.  It will cost about $1,600 plus fabric and lots of smiling volunteers.

There are so many ways to help:

i) Donate money online or by cheque to Hamilton Mennonite Church, or by cash in an envelope (by sanctuary door - ask an usher).  Via any method, please designate your gift to "school kits".

ii) Sew a school kit bag - or cut fabric, or thread cording.  Everyone welcome!  No previous experience necessary.  At the church Wednesday August 14 and August 21 from 7-9 p.m. If you'd like to do some sewing at home, talk to Lori R.

iii) Pack a kit - Help during Sunday School on September 29th.

Thank you! 

And the best for last, a friend from First Hmong Mennonite Church, who herself received a school kit as a girl, will be our speaker in worship on the day we pack the school kits.

To learn more about MCC school kits, click here.