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What is Peace Sunday? Peace isn't a one-a-day-a-year concern, after all. Peace is about the words we speak, the decisions we make, the places we spend money, the ways we live every day. And that is what Peace Sunday is about. In November, when many Canadians are remembering war and peace and loss in various parts of the world, Mennonites try to be clear about what "remembrance" means to us. That is, "to remember is to work for peace", in the words on the red buttons you may see on our lapels (need a button? Drop by the church building).

To remember is to build relationships across barriers. To remember is to take steps of reconciliation. To remember is to practice harm-reduction in our communities. To remember is to question systems of oppression. To remember is to lift up the vulnerable. To remember is to learn and practice alternatives to violence. To remember is to imagine new possibilities into being.

In our November 6 worship service, we will hear reflections from Mennonite Central Committee workers in Ukraine, Canada, Honduras, and Nicaragua. To read these and many other reflections, stories, and invitations to respond, click here to visit the MCC website and download this year's Peace Sunday packet. This year's theme is "Peace is more than a wish". What tangible shape might peace take among us in the year to come?