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On October 18, Hamilton Mennonite Church will join congregations across Mennonite Church Canada to celebrate the relationships we have through Mennonite Church Canada International Witness. We are invited to share our gifts and build relationships across borders, languages and cultures. In our regular giving to our church budget, we support the work of MC Canada Witness and in particular the work of Bock Ki Kim and Sook Kyoung Park in South Korea.

While a tiny minority within the larger Korean Christian community, Mennonite churches in Korea relate to each other through the formation of Mennonite Church South Korea. Bock Ki Kim and Sook Kyoung Park have been instrumental in the formation of this church body, while also church planting in Seoul.

Known as a peace-church pastor in a time where many Christians in Korea are eager to know more about biblical pacifism and conflict transformation, Bock Ki is called upon as a resource to the wider church on these topics. He participates in presentations and lectures as well as writing and translation. He has translated more than 30 books on Anabaptism and peace theology and helped found the Korean Anabaptist Journal. Sook Kyoung Park runs an after-school program, teaching English and peaceful education skills to children and youth.

Click here to learn more about Mennonite Church Canada International Witness.