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HMC is spending a few weeks this Fall reflecting on the theme from the Mennonite Church Canada gathering that took place in Edmonton in July 2022.The theme of both the Gathering and our worship series has been "We Declare... what we have seen and heard", based 1 John 1:3. We have wondered, in both worship and adult Sunday school, "What place does our distinctive Christian message, the gospel, have in a religiously plural and culturally diverse world? How can we speak of our faith in a society of many faiths and no faith, a society that has seen all too well the harm the church can inflict in the name of Jesus? Is it possible in all this to imagine our churches proclaiming and living out a good news that is truly good news for humanity and all creation, even to imagine new believers joining us in following Jesus in his good-news way of love?" (from the study guide)

Pastor Alissa started us off with a few sermons (click to listen):
Getting Our Bearings
Biblical Perspectives: The Hebrew Bible
Biblical Perspectives: The New Testament

We will also hear sermons preached by two of the Gathering 2022 speakers, John Boopalan and Doug Klassen. Click on their names to watch the worship services when they each spoke in Edmonton.

Maybe you want to learn more about what happened at the Gathering!
Click here to read some coverage in the Canadian Mennonite.
Click here to listen to a summary by the pastor-podcasters at MennoCast.
Click here to visit the Mennonite Church Canada website for delegate sessions, workshops, and more.

What does this theme mean to you?

We will declare:
     what we have heard,
     what we have seen with our eyes,
     what we have touched with our hands.
We will declare the Word of Life:
     so that we might have fellowship with one another,
     fellowship with God and with Jesus Christ,
     so that our joy may be complete.
We will declare the eternal Word of Life.

~ 1 John 1:1-4